The website for RESIDENT SHAREHOLDERS of Park City 3 and 4 Apartments, Inc.

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Park City 3 and 4 Apartments, Inc. [the Corporation] was incorporated in New York State under Section 402 of the Business Corporation Law on June 5,1980.

The Corporation is a Residential Cooperative and the Corporation holds the ownership title  to all of the apartments in the cooperative.

You do not own your apartment. You are a Shareholder of the Corporation and your “shares” allow you to reside in your apartment under the terms and conditions of the Proprietary Lease that was issued to you by the Corporation.

In effect, you are a Tenant and the Corporation is our Landlord.

The Right to Organize a Tenants' Association is Guaranteed by New York State Law.

Article 7, Section 230

“No landlord shall interfere with the right of a tenant to form, join or participate in the lawful activities of any group, committee or other organization formed to protect the rights of tenants: nor shall any landlord harass, punish, penalize, diminish, or withhold any right, benefit or privilege of a tenant under his tenancy for excercising such right.

Tenants' groups, committees, or other tenants' associations shall have the right to meet in any location on the premises which is devoted to the common use of all tenants in a peaceful manner, at reasonable hours, and without obstructing access to the premises or facilities. No landlord shall deny any such right.”